Product overview
Solider pile retaining walls and precast lagging panel systems are diverse and uniquely designed to suit a variety of situations addressing both the permanent and temporary earth retention and shoring requirements of your project.
Simplified precast concrete wall system.
Easy installation with minimal property disturbance.
Pre-Engineered & available on demand.
Solider pile retaining walls and precast lagging panel systems are diverse and uniquely designed to suit a variety of situations addressing both the permanent and temporary earth retention and shoring requirements of your project.
Modular construction allow walls to adapt to your design and provide a substantial reduction in installation costs.
Durable panels designed for freeze thaw resistance in any climate.
Precast concrete panels provide freeze/thaw resistance and are manufactured in our CSA certified facilities.
Variety of patterns and colours available
Large format & hybrid geogrid-reinforced panels available.
Systems can be integrated with our traffic barriers, retaining walls and transparent panels
Wall copings
Post veneers and pilasters
Weeper and drain openings
Optional GFRP reinforcement
Anti-graffiti coatings
Ontario Statues and Regulations
Canadian Standards Association
American Society for Testing and Materials